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The Outstanding Scholar Award is given to applicants who we feel are utilizing their studies in promising ways, and show innovative and creative ideas for how they plan to build on their studies to bring healing and safety to our communities. 



Machelle Bates is a mother, a wife, a student and a Tolowa Citizen. She does her best to live traditionally in a modern world. She participates in creating regalia, traditional dances, hunt, gather, weave, fish, and are open to all learning opportunities. 
She lives and work on the Yurok Reservation where she is the Afterschool Program Director.  


She enjoys working for the families of Klamath. She provides academic services as well as cultural enrichment.  She strives to improve the quality of life for all of us. She does her best to instill the value of respect for ourselves and each other, and the importance of sobriety. She knows if we work hard on these qualities it will combat the MMIW here in our community. 

When she finishes her education, she hopes to further improve the quality of the lives of the families in Klamath. Our children deserve happiness.

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