The MMIP Database logs cases of missing and murdered indigenous people of all genders and ages, from 1900 to the present.
There are many lists and sources of information online, but no central database that is routinely updated, spans beyond colonial borders, and thoroughly logs important aspects of the data, and overall, there is a chronic lack of data on this violence. The Database works to address that need, by maintaining a comprehensive resource to support community members, advocates, activists, and researchers in their work towards justice for our stolen relatives.
The Database originally included cases from the US and Canada, but starting in 2019, we have expanded its reach to include all Indigenous people. We will continue to pursue archival research in the US and Canada, and will rely on partnerships with Indigenous women’s collectives and organizations in other regions to include our relatives indigenous to lands occupied by other colonial entities.
The kind of information the Database cares for is determined by ongoing consultation with Indigenous communities. The Database currently logs the following:
About Victims:
Name, Indigenous name and translation, tribal affiliation(s), birth date, age, if they were a parent, if they have other MMIP cases in their family
About Perpetrators:
Race, gender, relationship to the victim
About the Violence:
Missing or murdered, incident date, violence perpetrated against murder victims after they are deceased, relevant issues (domestic violence, sexual assault, sex work/sex trafficking, foster care, police brutality, trans victim, death in custody, unsheltered, residential/boarding school)
About Police & Court Response:
Reward amount (if any), case classification, conviction status, which entities located deceased individuals
About Geography:
City, state/province, country, location type (tribal land, rural, urban)