The Outstanding Scholar Award is given to applicants who we feel are utilizing their studies in promising ways, and show innovative and creative ideas for how they plan to build on their studies to bring healing and safety to our communities.

Jessica (Tyner) Mehta is a multi-award-winning Aniyunwiya Two-Spirit, queer interdisciplinary author and artist. Born and raised in what colonizers dub Oregon and a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, space, place, and ancestry inform her work. She is currently preparing for her Fulbright U.S. Scholar award in Bangalore, India as well as her Ucross residency in Wyoming where she is serving as the 2021 autumn Native American visual artist in residence. Currently, Jessica is a Rethink Outside fellow focusing on engaging with good medicine in the Pacific Northwest outdoors. She is currently serving as the poet in residence at Hugo House, Seattle, and is the post-graduate research representative at the Centre for Victorian Studies in Exeter. She is the first Native American to serve in these roles. She is currently completing her PhD in poetry. Learn more at